Favorite Things: Black and Whites

On the photographic "things I love" list, black and whites rank pretty highly. If you've been hanging around the blog awhile, this'll come as no surprise to you.Back in college, when I first really got into photography, we only had a black and white darkroom (color processing was/is crazy expensive). I spent a lot of hours sniffing hypo and doing step strips to get exposures just right. We even put a red gel over the black and white tv that was in there, so that we could watch old horror movies on VHS while we worked. We probably walked uphill both ways to get there.ANYWAY. Then, I shot nearly everything black and white, because it was the only way I could process it myself. Now, I pick and choose those shots where color is a distraction, and the moment has more impact without it.12_D_S_001221_D_S_002133_D_S_003336_D_S_003649_D_S_025760_D_S_0462121_D_S_0121240_D_S_0240259_D_S_0259 (1)281_D_S_0281 (1)316_D_S_0316340_D_S_0340379_D_S_0379hazelton_023knecht_026knecht_576looker_852sands_151we want your skullsWedding planning guideWedding planning guide for intimate weddings, adventure weddings, and elopements

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