Mountain Family Session with the Sprouls

I love, love, love when clients come back to me for more photos. Which I guess seems like an obvious businessy thing to say, but really I just like catching up with them and seeing how their families change over the years. I've taken a whole lot of photos of this little crew, and they came back for family portraits even though they moved to Georgia.mountain family portraitsmountain family portraitsmountain family portraitsmountain family portraitsCurt is every parent at a portrait session at least once, here. We just embrace kids being tiny maniacs.mountain family portraitsmountain family portraitsOliver has been involved in every single one of our portrait sessions. He's a VIP.<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-13239" src="" alt="mountain family portraits" width="1355" height="905" The rocking horse was Curtis' when he was a kid.Mountain family session Mountain family session Mountain family session Mountain family session Mountain family session ohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerohiopyle family photographerwe want your skulls

family, engagement, and anniversary session guide

family portrait guide

Thinking about a family session? Click the family and portrait guide to get instant access to ton of useful info, including session planning advice and full pricing information.You can also see more family portraits or book a session for your family


One Frame


Surprise! Leah and Jim are married